Cancer Screening Guidelines

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S. (after heart disease). Empower yourself by understanding your risks, adopting preventive measures and scheduling regular cancer screenings. Early detection is key to overcoming this disease.

Take charge of your health today by scheduling a checkup with your doctor. Encourage your loved ones to do the same. Together, we can make a difference.

Test or ProcedureWhoAgeFrequency
Health Counseling & Cancer Check-upMen/Women
20 – 40
Over 40
Every 3 years
Every year
Digital Rectal ExamMen/WomenOver 40Every year
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) TestMen40 & over for African Americans and men with family history of prostate cancer, 50 & over for all other menEvery year
Stool Fecal Occult Blood TestMen/WomenOver 50Every year
ColonoscopyMen/Women45 and overEvery 3 – 5 years (Sigmoidoscopy) or every 10 years (Colonoscopy)
Pap Test-Pelvic ExamWomenAll women who are, or who have been, sexually active, or who have reached age 18. After 3 or more consecutive annual exams, the test may be performed less frequentlyAnnually, or at discretion of physicians
Breast Self-ExamWomen20 and overEvery month
Breast Physical ExamWomen20 and over
Over 40
Every 3 years
Mammogram (breast x-ray)Women40 and overEvery year

Preventative Screenings & Assessments

Are you curious about your own health risks? Schedule a screening with your physician or take one of our brief assessments to learn more about your health.


Health Risk Assessments

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