Community Resources
Home Health Agencies
Primedica Home Health | 1-800-303-4812 |
Personal Touch Home Health | (606) 564-8921 |
Hayswood Home Health | (606) 564-9481 |
Homeside Healthcare | (606) 563-9400 |
Hope Home Care | (606) 759-4056 |
Hayswood Home Health | (606) 845-1951 |
St. Clair Home Health | 1-800-264-0616 |
Caretakers Home Care | 1-800-866-0633 |
Mt. Sterling
Gateway Home Health | (859) 498-5199 |
Hospice Agencies
Hospice of Hope | 1-800-928-4848 |
Hospice of the Bluegrass | 1-800-759-6005 |
St. Clair Hospice | (606) 783-6808 |
Licking Valley C.A.P. Offices
Adult Day Care | (606) 845-0317 |
Central Office | (606) 845-0081 |
Head Start Center | (606) 849-2979 |
Senior Center | (606) 845-1411 |
Mason County Adult Day Care | (606) 564-6954 |
Social Security Office | (606) 564-9987 |
Support Groups
Alzheimer's | (606) 845-0317 |
Fleming County Cancer Coalition | (606) 845-3181 |
Bernie Archdeacon Cancer Support Group | (606) 845-0552 |
Diabetes Support Group | (606) 564-9447 |
Medicaid/Food Stamps
Flemingsburg | (606) 845-9011 |
Vanceburg | (606) 796-2981 |
Maysville | (606) 564-6818 |
Medical Equipment & Supply Dealers
McFarland Nursing Supplies | (606) 564-6821 |
Caretenders | 1-888-278-7700 |
Grogan's | 1-800-365-1020 |
Nurses Registry | 1-800-444-3599 |
Spectra Care Infusion | (859) 268-7225 |
ABLS Home Medical | (606) 329-8089 |
Adams Nursing Supply (OH) | 1-800-376-2154 |
Genesiss Respiratory (OH) | 1-800-842-6597 |
Infusion Solution | (606) 475-3203 |
Shawnee Valley Medical (OH) | 1-800-598-6726 |
Hamilton Health Aid Service | 1-800-879-0330 |
Lovejoy Medical, Inc. | (859) 268-7225 |
Apria Home Care | 1-800-283-4556 |
MH Rehab | (859) 277-1144 |
Lexington Medical Supply | (859) 277-3451 |
Outreach Agencies
Appalachian Apostolate | (606) 796-3289 |
Red Cross | (606) 783-1212 |
Salvation Army | (606) 564-3621 |
Shriners | 1-800-237-5055 |
Women's Crisis Center | 1-800-928-6708 |
Northeast Kentucky Legal Service | 1-800-274-5863 |
Kentucky Department for the Blind | 1-800-334-6881 |
Office of Public Defender | 1-800-564-2999 |
Lewis County Homeless Shelter | (606) 796-3289 |
Commission for the Deaf & Hearing Impaired | 1-800-372-2907 |
Vocational Rehabilitation | 1-800-372-7172 |
Poison Information Center | 1-800-722-5725 |
Kentucky Breast Cancer Coalition | 1-800-4-CANCER |
Buffalo Trace Agency on Aging | (606) 564-6894 |
Mental Health/Counseling
Comprehend, Inc. - Flemingsburg | (606) 849-2122 |
Comprehend, Inc. - Maysville | (606) 564-4016 |